Sometimes an idea starts an artwork. And sometimes an artwork starts an idea that starts an artwork. Theres no luck or magic trick really, no magic beam that will strike you and give you that killer idea overnight. Just hard work. Simple as that. As creative professionals, on a daily basis we need to meet deadlines and in some cases these deadlines are very tight. Usually when i'm "stuck" or too tired or maybe just not in the mood for doing anything I do this: start. do something. write down a name or word, start sketching on paper, building some random vector shapes in Illustrator. Anything really. And sometimes from those random things i create something. This helps me in my creative process.
Starting to play around with letterforms and defining a color palette.
With the color palette defined i start playing with decorative elements and adding depth.
Outline vision of the artwork in Illustrator
The final artwork on Illustrator.
Adding color and texture in Photoshop to give it a more vintage look.
The final piece.
Command + Z


Command + Z

"Not only a life saver, Command + Z is a life saver"
