TWINY [Wearable technology]

Taking stress out of people’s lives is a great step to a better life in the future. To create a healthier lifestyle it is important to prevent stress related illnesses. The goal of this project is to make people aware of their state of mind and conscious of how they feel. ​​​​​​​
Twiny is an elastic bracelet that gathers physical parameters through sensors: connecting emotions to physical state, Twiny gives the possibility to learn how to control mood, organizing time and trying to make people feel comfortable. The project attempts to correlate data down to every physical rash caused from stress to the body, making people aware of their unconscious feelings will help them build a better lifestyle.
Twiny partecipated at the ISWC (International Symposium of Wearable Computers) 2014 Design Exhibition in Seattle.
TWINY [Wearable technology]

TWINY [Wearable technology]

Twiny is a bracelet that detects emotions (stress level) through sensors. The device can be used as medical support to detect vital parameters, o 閱讀更多
