Profil appartenant à Agnesa Howard

Ecover Ocean Plastic

Client: Ecover via Kesselskramer
Material: Neckhanger, Captions
Year: 2014
Belgium-based cleaning products manufacturer Ecover has launched its first ever bottle made from waste plastic
fished out of the ocean. The Ecover Ocean Bottle is made entirely from recycled plastic, with 10 per cent of that plastic coming from the sea. The bottle represents an exciting joint initiative between Ecover and some leading innovators in
the marine conservation and packaging worlds. It is a big step both in raising awareness of Ocean Plastic and also beginning the process of prevention and a much needed clean up in our oceans across the world. For this bottle I made the neckhanger which can be found in selected stores across Europe. I also worked as a creative on the film about this project.
To learn more about the Ecover Ocean Plastic Project, see Ecover´s film below.
Photo: Courtesy of Ecover
Ecover Ocean Plastic
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Ecover Ocean Plastic

Ecover Ocean Plastic Project – Clean Oceans And Clean Dishes Ocean Plastic is the biggest issue most of us have never heard of (yet). It affects Lire la suite

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