"We just pixelate our favourite sneakers"
Hit the Up Button : Sneaxels x Nike Air Jordan
The balance of nature has been disturbed, and the sacred Air Jordan relics shattered and spread across the universe.
Join Jumpman on his quest to collect the scattered pieces of the Air Jordan series and restore balance to the universe, on an epic adventure beyond possibility, beyond imagination, and beyond reality.
Director Min Kim
Animator Love Lee, Hojong Lee
Music Catarina Santanna(Kanye West mix), Eric Skiff
Sneaxels Promo

Imagine if the video games Super Mario Brothers or Sonic the Hedgehog had the ability to let you choose what sneakers Mario and Sonic would rock throughout the game. Now stop imagining and look at what they could be.
Director Min Kim
Assistant Director Chunggeun Yun
Staff Hyunjeong Shin, Boyun Im, Sol Lee, Hyesun Yun, Seulki Lee
Music The Seige


We just pixelate our favourite sneakers
