It is been quite of an year for Net Neutrality. On February 26, 2015 the FCC will decide on the Internet’s fate. But is a law enough to solve every problem? 

"A matter of interest" is a research and data analysis project that investigate the net neutrality debate.

Work made with:
Nicoletta Bruno
Sara Perozzi 
Jacopo Pompilii
Andrea Tagliabue

Martina Cocco

Here's the full project online:

Take a look! (If it is possible, try with Chrome) 

Ipad version:
"A matter of interest" will be featured in the next issue of la Vita Nòva, the award-winning online magazine of Il Sole 24 Ore.

A matter of Interest

A matter of Interest

It is been quite of an year for Net Neutrality. On February 26, 2015 the FCC will decide on the Internet’s fate. But is a law enough to solve eve Развернуть
