Colin Bakers profil

Sakkara's Curse Board Game

Sakkara's Curse is a board game design based upon the rules of Chutes and Ladders. The name comes from an ancient ruin in Eygpt named Sakkara. I chose to name the game Sakkara's Curse to play off the idea of the curse of the treasures hidden in the tomb of the pyramids. The objective of the game is to travel into the depths of the pyramid, retrieve the treasure from the tomb, then travel back up the steps and make your escape without getting caught by the mummies (which come into play after you reach the bottom or halfway point on the gameboard).
Project includes: Logo design (all hand-done type), fully constructed board game, four player (thief) game pieces, 4 enemy (mummy) game pieces, eight designed icons for chutes and ladders, hand-done wood burning, two dice, and game instructions.
***Better photos are soon to be produced. This project is currently in a gallery exhibiton show.
Game instruction layout based upon a map of a tomb inside a pyramid. With a maze design pattern that plays off the way they used to build pyramid tombs like mazes to fool thieves.
(This pattern and layout would be placed on the inside of a leather wrap that packages the board game. A photo of the packaging will be available for viewing when the project is out of the exhibition show. The leather wrap package comes from the concept of a leather satchel that a thief wears while trying to steal treasures.)
Close up shot of one of the icons that are used for the chutes and ladders during gameplay.
Detail shot of player (thief) constructed of bent wire to resemble the eygyptian hieroglyph appearance.
Detail shot of woodburned design.
Progression shots of the board being compacted for packaging purposes and then expanding up for gameplay.
Also in this shot it shows the base of the gameboard and how the structure of the gameboard resembles the steps of an Egyptian step pyramid.
Sakkara's Curse Board Game

Sakkara's Curse Board Game

Sakkara's Curse is a board game design based upon the rules of Chutes and Ladders. The name comes from an ancient ruin in Eygpt named Sakkara.
