Magic 8
Magic 8 is an app that makes decisions for a user based on 3 subcategories: Classic 8, Sarcastic 8, and Personal 8.

Classic 8 is one we all know too well, with answers including “Yes”, “My Sources Say No”, and “Ask Again Later”. Sarcastic 8 leans toward the goofier side of the app, giving you a snarky, not-so-helpful answer when you ask a question and shake the device (like a physical Magic 8 Ball). And lastly, Personal 8 allows for a user to plug in their own answers, serving as an effective tool to help the indecisive choose between their options for any pondering questions, incomplete tasks, etc.

I developed the concept, logo and design for Magic 8, as well as a motion graphic showcasing how the app might work. My hope is to learn Xcode within the next year and build out an actual working prototype to make available on the App Store. Stay tuned.

Magic 8

Magic 8

Magic 8 is an app that makes decisions for a user based on 3 subcategories: Classic 8, Sarcastic 8, and Personal 8.


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