BMI Website Landing Page

My team was tasked with redesigning the Boren Mentoring Intitiative landing page. The problem with the original page was that it was too text heavy. It was comparable to steering a ship through the night with no arms, you couldn't navigate it. The solution we came up
with was this one page, forever scroll layout.
This layout provides constant access to the profile, mentor, accomplisments and current mentor standings. The original website was focused on relaying too much information and attempting to direct visitors to an atrocious amount of locations, sometimes even the same location. Our concept retains all of the links and information of the original website while adding more depth to the site.
Significant changes we made to the site included the compacting of links and the social networking aspect. Our website wanted to attract more people to the Boren Mentoring Intiative as well as keep them there.  Our idea was to create a way for people to interact on BMI as well as other social media sites.  Once you create a profile it's smooth sailing.
Basically the mentor has a log-in and you have a log-in. Whenever you pull the BMI landing page you are instantly logged in and your picture will pop up in the "Me" box. Your mentor similarly has this function but they can set goals for you to complete for the day, week, month or year. Achieving these goals is where the "Accomplish" box comes into play. You can see all of the things you have accomplished over your time at BMI as well as earn points.  These points play into a bigger scheme that really makes BMI different.
All logged mentors and mentees can compete to see who is succeeding the most and who is being the most influential mentor.  By accomplishing goals mentees earn points for themselves and their mentor alike. They can use these points to win prizes like a dinner with David and Molly Boren.
Another part of our campaign was a social media strategy designed to attract people to the new page. We decided to use famous mentor pairings as a relateable and inspiring analogy to attract traffic. We wanted to show that even great people had someone they looked up to.
BMI Website Landing Page

BMI Website Landing Page

Boren Mentoring Initiative website landing redesign
