Roleuropa is a company which commercialises automobile and motorcycle tires as well various accessories since 1989. This company had the same visual identity during the past 22 years, and his image was not a reflection of the quality of business. The job was to create an identity that give them a strong and professional public image, bringing a balance between the company business structure, and the competitiveness of company image. This logo was designed to convey the idea of movement through the typography work, united at some points, evoking a solid and compact image that conveys the idea of security.

The letter "E" claims to be the differentiating factor, either by color or by shape, after knowing the company's business, gets more emphasis.This element aims to give the idea of a tire mark on the asphalt, as well as tires stacked on top of each other. The business cards have a UV-varnish geometric pattern, to give some texture so that when using the card, the tact could be a complement to the visual reading making the user imagine the texture of tire marks.



Graphic Design: Sérgio Gaspar Photography: Miguel Matos
