Norwegian Word
Norwegian Word project is a practice of using infographics to tell narrate by designing a visual language based on Geometrical forms. I tried to use the parameters of geometrical shapes, such as length, quantities and position relationships to create a complex pattern configuration which is not linear storytelling but in a specific syntax and grammar base on the style of the pattern. 
I selected my favorite book Norwegian Wood written by Haruki Murakami to crate this visual language. The novel is a nostalgic story of loss and burgeoning sexuality. It is told from the first-person perspective of the narrator Toru Watanabe (Me). Through looks back on his days in Tokyo we see him developed relationships and friendships with 7 figures; six of them ended in a sad way in the book. I chose Human relationships as main element to express. Since the book is told by first-person perspective, I use the circle as the basic structure; and the six sections in inside represent this story is base on the relationship between “me” and these characters. 
Meanwhile, I got inspired by traditional Japanese patterns. The pattern is a mathematical notation, and is repeatable. The repetition also represents the orient philosophy of perpetual cycle.
"Norwagian Word" Pattern Poster, Print, 10.6in x 17in
Norwegian Word

Norwegian Word

Norwegian Word project is a practice of using infographics to tell narrate by designing a visual language based on Geometrical forms. I tried to 자세히 보기


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