Corb on Mies…the spaces on the ground floor project outward and the surrounds flow in, while the second floor gallery is internally focused. The building pulls people in, like water through a pipe, self-propelling a process where visitors interact in a realm of art at a point between reality and the imaginary. This becomes a point where all things intersect, bubbling together, percolating into the all-constitutive substance that is art.
The building centers on an ascent to a place of illusion. While in the gallery, the visitor is afforded glimpses that connect the world of fantasy to that of reality—highlighting the links between art and life, art and history, and art and the garden. hese openings and alignments facilitate the merging of spaces via visual connections and reveal the installation preparation space, the library and out onto the city street. Climbing up to the exhibition space, visitors look out onto the landscape before finding themselves in a mystical chamber filled with art. A space of contrast and connections, this museum activates positive and negative space, weaving together art, history, landscape and urban life.
Porous Museum

Porous Museum

Corb on Mies…the spaces on the ground floor project outward and the surrounds flow in, while the second floor gallery is internally focused. The Rozwiń
