The zines animal's secrets were created during Pictozine class at Parsons the New School for Design. We were given the theme "secrets" and were supposed to print them in a risograph printer. I decided to use acordeon format to share with the world some interesting facts about animals that no one else knows about.

(Unfortunately the facts aren't real. They were all made up by me.)
RABBITS clone their children / DINOSAURS were abducted
SNAILS are real geniuses / UNICORNS are deformed goats
PORCUPINES generate toothpicks / SQUIRRELS can teleport
BIRDS love gossiping / BUTTERFLIES are haters
"Hey, you! Be quiet" / "Say something and I'll kill you"
O B R I G A D A !
animal's secrets

animal's secrets

Zine under the theme "secrets" created for a class.
