Cindy Moon aka Silk from the Spider-man comics is probubly the only korean Marvel Superhero to date, hence the korean spelling if her name "Cindy Moon" on the top left hand corner and "Silk" on the bottom.
In celebration of Marvel Comic's Silk #1 release at the same time during Lunar New Year 2015, I made this piece to celebrate her enthinicty.
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl, from DC Comics and Cindy Moon, Silk, from Marvel comics teaming up as the only two asian american superheroes. The only two Asian American female Superhero from the big two USA comic book companies to ever get their own comic book series. This is also done on Women's international day
Marvel's Silk

Marvel's Silk

Various comic book style fan art of Marvel Comic's Superhero Silk. All art digitally sketch, inked, and colored by me from concept to end.
