" AROWEENA's Leap of Fatih "
( Acrylic on Canvas )
Yes. The name of this Arowana fish....is AROWEENA. She loves jumping over the water and scream ... "weeee!!!".
LOL. Just a random title for this artwork.
Love my lampshade... it keeps me focus.
F.Y.I At the very moment that I was writing this, I was listening to the local radio and participated the "Guess the Mystery Song" contest - where you need to identify the TItle,the Singer/Band and the Date it popularized. Guess what!? My call went in and I got the answer correctly! Yay!
Thank you, WIKIPEDIA!
Okay, too much unrelated info. Aroweena looks scary on this photo though.
Thank you sister for sponsoring the resources used for this painting.
You might want to check out her awesome works here... No regrets.Promise.
Aroweena is done.
My first time to incorporate crystals..
The tedious scales..
for watching!


Gave away my old fish painting, so I had to replace it.
