Mary McLain's profile

Book & Editorial

Hamlet poster project.
Assignment for the prompt "getting the word out"
Photo illustration assignment.
Photo credit: Francis Vallejo
Model credit: L. Shima
Portrait of my sister.
Illustration for Vice article "The Noisey Guide to ATL's Trap Map"
Illustration for project on phobias.
Illustration for the prompt "six of one, half dozen of the other".
Army nurses from the 1940s.
Creative perspective assignment inspired by visits to the Detroit Historical Museum.
Yale 1/2 - Series on Ivy League colleges and fashion.
Princeton 2/2 - Series on Ivy League colleges and fashion.
Illustration for scientific article on how the design of Stonehenge may have been inspired by sound waves.
CD cover for musician Joanna Newsom.
Band poster for musician Joanna Newsom.
Illustration for prompt "Living and dead." An intepretation of the relationship between Marie Antoinette and her friend Princesse de Lamballe.
Book & Editorial

Book & Editorial

Various editorial and book assignments


Creative Fields