What makes #Tech CEOs successful? We reveal the secrets.
Bill Gates owes his success to something we use everyday.
Did you know that the inventor of floppy disk relaxes in a 24-carat gold tiled room?
Tech Protips from the founder of Amazon - "Work Backwards".
Nikola Tesla was well..just Nikola Tesla.
Keeping records is the key to the success of John C. Havens.
Did you know that Anna Akbari doesn't like too many choices?
Did you know that the inventor of floppy disk relaxes in a 24-carat gold tiled room? 
The founder of Buffer Joel Gascoigne owes his success to a philosophy that most people don't like.
The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg likes to hunt for his dinner.
The founder of Nintendo can measure your height within seconds of meeting you.
Steve Jobs is a music fanatic.
Inside Tech Minds

Inside Tech Minds

We wondered what goes in the minds of the tech elite. Then we found our answers. Then we made this project. Using flat designs with drop shadows Read More
