Lisa Wallace's profile

Traditional Paintings and Drawings

"Megan on Black"
oil - 9x12
painted from life
oil - 8x10
painted from life
oil - 9x12
painted from life
pencil - 9x12
drawn from photo
"The Dandy"
oil - 9x12
painted from photo
charcoal - 8x10
drawn from photo
"Antique Pitcher"
oil - 8x8
painted from life
"Bell Buckle Fire Department"
oil - 9x12
painted from life
"Silver Kimono"
oil - 8x10
painted from life
"The Protector"
oil - 9x12
painted from photo
"Savage Gulf Vista"
oil - 15x30
painted from photo
"Farewell to Nova Scotia"
oil - 9x12
painted from life
"Study of David"
pencil - 6x8
drawn from life in Florence, Italy
"Rebecca on Chair"
oil - 24x30
painted from life, over four separate sessions
"Memory Lane"
oil - 6x8
painted background from life
painted couple from photo
Plein air (outdoor painting) action photo
"Children's Hospital"
oil - 11x14
painted from life during live event
Traditional Paintings and Drawings

Traditional Paintings and Drawings

Traditional paintings and drawings
