Sherry Kennedy sin profil

Digitally Printed Organic Cotton Scarves

Digital Print Organic Cotton Scarves

Le zig le zag's 100% organic cotton year-round unisex scarves are printed using non.toxic ink in the USA and designed and hand crafted by myself, Sherry Kennedy, in my home studio in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Each design has a limited run of no more than 50 units to ensure your scarf be as unique as possible. I create each print with two different styles; loop(infinity) and rectangle. The fabric has a structural quality and appears as a unique pattern with every time it is worn.
Image scanned from Design Lines Spring 2012
Digitally Printed Organic Cotton Scarves

Digitally Printed Organic Cotton Scarves

Le zig le zag's 100% organic cotton year-round unisex scarves are printed using non.toxic ink in the USA and designed and hand crafted by myself, Se mer
