Anne-Sophie de Vargass profil

BIG BANG DATA · UI & Web development

Website of the exhibition at CCCB

Big Bang Data is a project that delves into the phenomenon of the data explosion in which we are immersed, approaching it from ten different facets or topics. The exhibition curated by Olga Subirós and José Luis de Vicente has its extension on the web, as an online catalog. 

The site, which is available in three languages ​​(Catalan, Spanish and English), collects the different sections of the project. The home page presents both the contents of the exhibition (pieces, articles, interviews, etc ...) and the related activities, as a notice board that offers an overview. 

The information is regrouped under five sections: Exhibition with files of the exhibited pieces, Beta Station that collects the activities, Video interviews with specialists, Articles related to the subject of Big Data and Agenda with a list of activities; while the thematic sections allow interconnecting the entries of the different sections, under a specific motto. Finally, the Project section contains an extensive presentation of the exhibition and information about the curators. 

The exhibition could be visited at the Center de Cultura Contemporània (CCCB) from May 9 to October 10, 2014 and at the Fundación Telefónica in Madrid from February 25 to May 24, 2015, as well as in the various tours of Europe , America and Asia.

CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

Anne-Sophie de Vargas

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BIG BANG DATA · UI & Web development


BIG BANG DATA · UI & Web development

Diseño y programación de la web para la exposición Big Bang Data, una coproducción del CCCB y de Fundación Telefónica.
