Perfil de Mike Dent

BUTTON MASH BASH - Video Bumper and Promos

In 2014, I volunteered to do video work for Button Mash Bash, an Extra Life event based here in Milwaukee run by a friend of mine. I put together a series of interstitials (or "bumps") along with promos for local businesses and sponsors of the event. 
The aim with the bumps was to highlight Milwaukee in a fun, beauitful yet weird way that was sort of evocative of the interstitials seen in KIDS IN THE HALL. And yes, there was an early Adult Swim-esque vibe to a lot of these that didn't really occur to me until I was knee deep in editing footage down. 
BUTTON MASH BASH - Video Bumper and Promos

BUTTON MASH BASH - Video Bumper and Promos

A collection of video work made for the 2014 Extra Life event, Button Mash Bash.
