Asya Popova's profile

The tourist is present.

I admit that I am a tourist. I admit that I look, I smell and I speak like a tourist. I admit that I take tourist photos. I admit that my photos are full of tourists. The tourist is present. The tourist is everywhere. It is a tourist world. Having the experience of being part of a travelling photography group I can tell you that we photographers often do our best (kick tourist ass) to get "sterile" pictures of the world around us. We try to get out of the way of our lenses all the hands, phones, cameras, hair, Asian people, trees, trash. We try to get 'postcard' photos and we try to get a picture of it (temple for example ) what it is (sacred place) and we don't want to admit that it is no longer what it has been but has now become overloaded with tourists and has turned into a tourist attraction. With this project I admit that it is a tourist world and I don't want to cut the truth out of my pictures so being a tourist and a photographer I present my tourist photos that are full of odd,sweet, very confused and fascinating tourists.
The tourist is present.

The tourist is present.

I admit that I am a tourist. I admit that I look, I smell and I speak like a tourist. I admit that I take tourist photos. I admit that my photos Read More


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