I first started of searching up the word propaganda to see what i would be working with. i found out there was lode sof different types of propaganda such as war propaganda, politicial propaganda, and underground propaganda and many more. i really liked war propganda so i based my work on that like the bold words and striking images that stick out of the page and leaves a message.
Firstly I started of by searching up Russell Brand and I started looking at all the different news articles and what other people had said about him.
I then saw he had a YouTube channel called the Trews and he talks about the news and analyses what actually goes on in a perspective of a normal working class person.
I also looked at his twitter page because he also talks quite a lot about propaganda on there and about how the news is deceiving you and how most of it is all lies.
As much as there was good stuff about Russell brand there was also bad things about him especially his past and how he used to do drugs and other things down that line, but he has recently stopped taking them and how wrote a book about it and it explains how he conquered the addiction. But some people still believe he’s a bad person because of it so they betray him in a bad way and a rebel figure. Also most politicians and news presenters hate him because he proves them wrong and gives them a bad name.
I started of using After Effects to put together the video and edit it so i can have the faces of my characters over the origanal people, it was all going well until i had to put the audio and the video together and for some reason they wouldnt link up together, so i transfered it onto premier pro and it linked together. at the the end of the cluip i wanted to chmage soemthing on the origanal clip so i cut it and put it on after effects and becaus ehtere linked i could put it straight on there. After i had finished editing the clip and i had saved it it automaticly changed in the premier pro file.
Russell Brand Research
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Russell Brand Research

Russell Brand

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