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Dylan Thomas Book Cover Redesign

This is a first year university project and competition set by Orion Books to redesign three of Dylan Thomas' ever-popular books. I have used simple imagery so the reader can get an idea as to what the book is about. The colours loosely represent the mood of the book. I have tried to use a style that would appeal to new readers as well as existing.
'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog' is a book of short stories that starts with a young school boy with a big imagination on a farm yard. The colour background shows the boy's lust for life and his dreams for the future. 
'Under Milk Wood' is set in a Welsh seaside village. The story encompasses the character's dreams and desires as well as their loves and regrets. The black silhouettes used represent the darker side to Thomas' writing as well as showing a more childish side through the use of shadow puppets.
The 'Selected Poems' cover focuses on an individual poem from the book. The slightly morbid imagery aims to intrigue viewers and encourage them to read further.
Dylan Thomas Book Cover Redesign
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Dylan Thomas Book Cover Redesign

University Book Design Project

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