The Sound Poster is a series of experiments in which we try to mix digital with analog techniques in order to increase the experience. Digital installations are often linked to a screen or projection in which tactility plays a minor part. With analogue installations tactility can easily play the main part. Therefore we've combined the two, in order to get the best of both worlds. The idea of combing artwork and music originated from Kandinsky's music theory. 

The Sound Poster 3.0 was created from pure adolescent behavior, we just wanted to blow up something and end the series with a bang. In combination with the capacitive touch sensor from Sound Poster 2.0, an electric ignition and ink made out of gunpowder we made this interactive poster go boom.

In collaboration with David van Gemeren.
Sound Poster 3.0


Sound Poster 3.0

The Sound Poster is a series of experiments in which we try to mix digital with analog techniques in order to increase the experience. Digital in Read More
