Crooks Hard Cider
With a rich family history and such a historic location, Carolina Cider Company has decided to introduce a new line of hard ciders to their collection of locally handcrafted goods. The decision to introduce the hard cider to the line of items directly ties to the history of cider in the United States. Many families in America served hard cider with dinner and the children were served a weaker alcoholic version of cider.
The new line is called Crook’s Hard Cider. The flavors are inspired by the already existing ciders made by Carolina Cider Company along with influences from American folk lore but with a twist. There are three flavors named after folk lore characters; Johnny Appleseed, Annie Oakley, and Paul Bunyan. These characters are portrayed as criminals. The characters stories drive the concept of flavor pairings and color choice based on origin of the story and storylines.
Folk lore has been shared and passed down for generations in America and told at many homes during dinner and at many taverns all over a cold drink of hard cider. Crook’s tells the real story while keeping an American tradition. Hard cider and American folk lore are the perfect combination.
Crooks Hard Cider

Crooks Hard Cider

Label and outer package solution for a line of hard ciders.
