Perfil de Mercia Abbott

Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi

Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Project for the Treaty of Waitangi Document held at the Wellington City Archives
Objective: To design an exhibition enviroment that provides a contemporary interpretation of the Treaty's Key Issues for the National Archives in Wellington, New Zealand.
The Treaty of Waitangi is a living Document that has inevitably haped New Zealand as a country. While it may be possible to live harmoniously in a land where 2 or more cultures are present, conflict does arrise, ideas and values clash.
Recognising that mistakes and injustices has taken place in the past is vital, and by identifying these will assist in closing rifts between Maori and Pakeha.
"The Position we must grow towards, if we are to acheive social harmony and national stability, is one of a mutuality of respect." Historian Michael King from the Press, A Vision for New Zealand.

The exhibitions schematic design works along side a pre treaty post treaty time lime. An interactive display system which holds some of the original artefacts, books, key documents and personal stories of the people. This gives the visitor an overview as well as providing them with the resorces to make up theire own mind.
It was my intention to highlight conflict as this was the key issue that constantly manifested itself itself through out my research, this was acheived through materiality, light and narrative.
The installation was to represent Maori and Pakeha, the shadows created represent the merging of cultures.  By arranging this simplified shapes in awkward and conflicting angles and using materials such as recycled timber and steel off cuts also emphasis the ideas of conflict in an abstracted manner. I chhose to represent the story abstractedly as not to appropriate symbols and patterns.
the experience created in this design is one that is informative atmospheric and tells its own story of cultures merging together creating todays New Zealand.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi
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Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi

This Project earned me First Prize in the Australasian Design Awards in the Exhibition Sector. This project is about using Design as a way to tel Ver mais

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