Profil Annabelle Barrow

Logo and Identity Package: Neville Longbottom

    For my graphic design 3 class, I developed a logo that reflected Neville Longbottom's personality. The logos were then implemented in an identity package for the character. The identity package includes a business card, letterhead and envelope, and favicon.
Black and white logo
    Neville Longbottom is a mix of latent strength and traditional attitude. Throughout the books and movies, Neville takes a transformative journey from the butt of everyone’s joke to the savior when he destroys the last horcrux with the sword of Godric Gryfindor. In the epilogue of the last Harry Potter book, the reader discovers that Neville has taken a job at Hogwarts School as a Herbology professor. I chose to combine Neville’s two most prominent traits in order to create his identity package. Beginning with the black and white logo, I focused on the sword that Neville used. I also incorporated vines to bring in Neville’s passion for herbology. For the identity package, I also included the pattern of a knit sweater to bring in Neville’s traditional nature. The logotype I used was Calendas Plus. I felt that this typeface was fitting for a conventional person like Neville.
Logo and Identity Package: Neville Longbottom

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Logo and Identity Package: Neville Longbottom

This project includes a simplified image or “mark” (symbol, logo) for a central character in the Harry Potter films. The logo reflects the charac Další informace


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