On November 9th, I attended Soledad O'Brien's "Diversity on TV, Behind the Scenes, and In Our Lives" in the Ferguson Ballroom. During Soledad's entire speech I was in complete awe. I could not believe my favorite journalist was delivering a speech at my university. An amazing dream come true!
When I decided I wanted to become a journalist, Soledad O'Brien was the one of the few women of color I had to look up to as a journalist on a cable news station. I recall every summer in July during the weekend of my family reunion, Soledad's Black in America specials would premiere on CNN. I'd always leave all my family members and go back to my hotel room to watch the premiere. I loved Soledad's work and how passionate she was about allowing people to share stories that may have never been heard if it wasn't for her.
As I continued to follow her career and watch her various specials, I always wondered why were these stories so important to her. Why did she care? On November 9th she answered that question for me. She explained that she reported on stories of people that needed their voices to be heard. She seemed passionate about sharing stories others wouldn't dare to. During her speech I realized that she cared because she's the voice of the people that are constantly overlooked and voiceless. She's bringing these people, their stories, and issues to the forefront of journalism.
Soledad O'Brien's speech inspired me in many different ways. We all have goals in life, and one of them should be to help someone other than ourselves. Michelle Obama once said, "When you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed." As a journalist, I plan on helping others and giving them a voice; I will be the voice for the voiceless.
Soledad inspired me to share stories that have never been shared and that no one cares to share.
I'm going to close with the same quote Soledad closed with, "The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality."
A Dream Come True...

A Dream Come True...

#Dreamville where dreams come true

