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工廠春聯 Renewal



This work is under the project "Project 193" which is launched by DHH studio.
Renewal is a series of spring couplet posters designed for the old machining factories in Sanchung City, Taiwan. Many home factories established in Sanchung since decades ago, you can find almost all kind of machining techniques in this area. Here, the smells of metal and dark wall never changed, except the spring couplets on the door of each family, which is renewed every Chinese New Year as a traditional customs. Renewal is inspired by the traditional spring couplets, replace the calligraphic writing with a new typeface design which is corresponding to the service of each factory to delivery the auspicious meaning. Screen print on traditional couplet paper with two colors - black and gold - usually used on couplets.

For buying information, please contact DHH studio:
↑ Tradition couplets in machining factories.
Chinese characters - "Chun (spring)" - with the shape of springs.
Chinese characters - "Chang le (happiness)" - with the shape of lathing.
Chinese characters - "Fu (well-being)" - with the shape of electroplating.
Spring Couplet v.s. spring machine
Well-being and Happiness Couplets v.s. traditional couplet
Printing process
工廠春聯 Renewal

工廠春聯 Renewal

Renewal is a series of spring couplet posters designed for the old machining factories in Sanchung City, Taiwan.
