My kind of portrait: to describe through each wrinkle.

Every shape had his own story.
This is a story about my mum:
I photographed every part of her. I know each wrinkle that she has.
I learn to know her from when I was a child and now as an adult, she grows as well as me, 
in her wrinkles and shapes.

Don't mind about the face.
I think that body is like a map through the history and the story of the person.
Is an approach.

During the shooting between my mum and me, there was so much confidence which grows more and more.
Linea Guida


Linea Guida

Riflessione sul concetto di "Ritratto". Linee, forme, rughe, macchie, cicatrici, dicono più di quanto immaginiamo. L'esplorazione del corpo va al Read More
