Profil von Welton Demetrio

Broadway Church Vancouver Website

Broadway Church Vancouver

This was one of the most unique projects I’ve ever worked on.
The challenge was to create a new, unique and intentional concept for a relevant church in one of the most influential cities in Canada.
Everything started with the “one-click” concept. We wanted to have everything to be one click away… 2 clicks at the most. 

The solution we came up with was the “Filters” concept. The main idea is to offer the user exactly  what they want without wasting their time trying to get around the site.

The other challenge was… How to deliver the content in a creative and unique way?
The answer is ADVERTISING. The solution was creating a news board with different “advertising” from all the ministries at the church.
The number of access jumped from couple hundred a month to over 5.000 access a month and the numbers keep climbing.
Broadway Church Vancouver Website

Broadway Church Vancouver Website

Unique concept

