Rick Gutierrez 的個人檔案

CareTech Solutions - HIMSS14 Tradeshow

CareTech Solutions introduced it's new tradeshow property at HIMSS14 with an interactive experience showcasing their Clinical Service Desk offering. The exhibit was a simulated live clinical service desk environment where HIMSS14 participants would enter "The Box" and experience a “live” help desk setting where Clinical Service Desk analysts were available to answer all of their help desk questions or they could pre-schedule a meeting and have an experience tailored to meet their unique requirements.
Direct Mail  - Dimensional Invitation
Tradeshow Booth
Direct Mail - Post Card
VIdeo Loop - Attractor
Analyst Presentation Application - Crerated a browser-based application to provide an interface for analysts to interact with reports, process diagrams and videos used to provide an in depth look into CareTech Solutions Clinical Service Desk. A 3D guide was used to give the experience a litlle personality. The project was built using HTML 5, CSS3 and JQuery.
Home Page Example
Content Page Example
Post-Conference Email - Version One
CareTech Solutions - HIMSS14 Tradeshow

CareTech Solutions - HIMSS14 Tradeshow

CareTech Solutions HIMSS14 integrated marketing campaign inviting prospects, consultants and show attendees to make an appointment for their Live 閱讀更多
