In today’s society branding is all around and leaves it mark on us whether we realise it or not.
However in a world where almost everything is branded, how does one stand out and how strong are these impressions?
Many brands achieve recognition in several ways. I wanted to look at some of the most successful companies and their branding out there today and by experimenting with them, better understand what makes these brands iconic and powerful.
This project focuses on branding and their logos. Does the original brand resonate despite a different name? How ingrained is it in us? 
Have a go yourself by taking a look and for a moment thinking to yourself then asking... "What do I actually see, what do I think I can see and why?"
What I looked at here is barely scratching the surface. A simple shape, photo, sound, touch, smell, colour or even typography type can speak volumes. The overall qualities of an identity can be translated so subtly to our sub-conscious or so strongly that there is no way you would not notice it.  Branding hand in hand with marketing can result in powerful links or extremely weak ones. 
Recognising, understanding and utilising these links whether in design or in life is an invaluable and powerful ability not underestimated. 

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Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

A project study looking at some of the most successful companies in the world and their branding/logos.
