Rifani Muhammad Syaferis profil

Hide - Inspired from Story of Muhammad and Abu Bakr

Inspired from Story of Muhammad and Abu Bakr

During the Hijrah, Muhammad and Abu Bakr took refuge in this cave, with the help of Abu Bakr's family and slave. When the Quraish came to look for them, Abu Bakr worriedly told Muhammad that they were only two people, but Muhammad assured him that Allah was the third in the cave. When the Quraish reached the cave, they thought that nobody could go to a cave with a spider web spread across the mouth and birds nesting near it. Source wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabal_Thawr

Stock credits:

Cave http://birdsistersstock.deviantart.com/art/Cave-Stock-3-328060742
Pigeon http://moa810.deviantart.com/art/Okosan-203935443
Nest http://jewelsstock.deviantart.com/art/Sparrow-and-Nest-113184898
Spider http://camelfobia.deviantart.com/art/spider-png-333559282
Medval http://dewfooter.deviantart.com/
Sky http://aajohan.deviantart.com/
Desert http://stockf8.deviantart.com/
Web http://frozenstocks.deviantart.com/
Hide - Inspired from Story of Muhammad and Abu Bakr

Hide - Inspired from Story of Muhammad and Abu Bakr

Inspired from Story of Muhammad and Abu Bakr
