In showcasing my skillset and abilities, I thought this may be a great opportunity to also highlight my company, Nomad Cinema. Within this portfolio are a few examples of my work in design, photography, non-linear video editing and audio engineering, photo manipulation, and marketing and ad creation - all for Nomad Cinema. 
Fresh, family friendly, professional logo design. Designing our brand, logo, and website was an invaluable study in the adverse effects of strong, creative marketing. We found that our intended audience and consumer base found us to be too professional, people thought we were a big franchise that just opened up in the area when in reality we are a very small partnership, owned and operated by two guys. 
Because of this we began taking a much more jovial approach to our marketing and letting our public in for a more behind the scenes/up close and personal look into not only what Nomad Cinema is but also who Nomad Cinema is. 
This made for a much more personal feel with our current and potential clientele, which made us much more approachable and significantly opened us to many more business opportunities. 
Photowork from our popular and semi-regular shows at Brewery Ommegang of Cooperstown, NY. See you at BCTC!
We work with many charitable organizations, if there is a chance we can use what we have to bring about a positive change or assistance to our communities, we will do just about anything we can to do so.
Utilizing social media for viral marketing has even gained us some big name recognition.
Using our abilities as filmmakers, we've taken loads of footage before, during, and after set-ups to showcase our business, and highlight and appreciate all those involved. We've even taken it as an opportunity to collaborate with and promote unknown musical artists .

I take any opportunity I can to produce fun and creative works of visual storytelling.
Below are a few promos for our Franklin Square Film Series. Using film trivia and our minimal resources we constructed short narratives with fun characters and sci-fi movie elements and post digital effects to create a fun series of marketing videos for each event. 
Very proud and very upset to say that this was the most stolen poster in Syracuse, NY.
A call to action; this slide is played before every show in attempt to entice our audience to further market in our favor via social media.



Media, video, fashion, print and design adverts and marketing for Nomad Cinema. Follow the Nomad at
