Valentina Visentin sin profil

Oggettere . The power of letters

"Letters are things, not pictures of things"
Eric Gill

Le lettere sono anche dei segni che stanno per dei suoni, non sono figure o rappresentazioni,
sono forme più o meno astratte.
Letters are also signs linked to sounds, not picture or illustrations but shapes more or less abstracts.
If we think that letters aren't signs, sounds, shapes and's not real!
We can see their structure, a lot of letters creates a word and it means something: so letters are concretes.
This is an academic project, we focus the attention on the study of letters. To promote and explain the words of Eric Gill I create a sequence of posters using some important key-words. I want explain the different aspects that the letters can show, with the addition of letters and primary colors we have a creative result.
The result is not the same for every word.
01. Le lettere sono: segni, suoni, forme, astratte, concrete.
      Letters are signs, sounds, shapes, abstracts, concretes.
02. Le lettere sono segni.
      Letters are signs.
03. Le lettere sono suoni.
      Letters are sounds.
04. Le lettere sono forme.
      Letters are shapes.
05. Le lettere sono astratte.
      Letters are abstracts.
06. Le lettere sono concrete.
      Letters are concretes.
Oggettere . The power of letters

Oggettere . The power of letters

It is a sequence of posters that shows some important key-words. I want explain the different aspects of the letters, with the addition of letter Se mer
