Pink Pouch
Branding / Mobile application
Pink pouch is a mobile beauty application based on SNS and social commerce.
Any women interested in beauty would like to know an honest review about the product and real user opinion before purchasing the product. Therefore PINK POUCH is a platform where users freely share their opinions and ideas on beauty.
Women are always interested in other beautiful women. 
From your wanna-be celebrities to the pretty girl friend next door,
Women are curious about other women’s beauty secret. 

Our concept and identity is to share what’s inside other women’s pouch.
The symbol ‘ P ’ is taken from pinkpouch and added to the speech bubble representing SNS.
The logo type is cropped such that it represents the image of an opened pouch revealing its contents.
Idea of Creation
Thank you 
Pink Pouch

Pink Pouch

Brand Identity Mobile UI design
