Top four images: Screenshots form the video documentation of the performance.
for the video, please visit
Fabrics, Fabricated Mulberry papers, Glue
胡蝶之夢 ( Ho Jeob Ji Mong )
1.     A state characterized by an absence of ability to clarify the existence of oneself, and not knowing whether oneself is an object or a nature or a human being.
Synonyms: trance, half-conscious state, dream, hypnotic state
2. A way of figuratively speaking, a lack of distinction between self and external objects.
One day, Zhuang Zhou had a dream. In his dream, he was a butterfly that flies between beautiful flowers. But when he suddenly awoke from the dream, he was again in the form of Zhuang Zhou. Did Zhuang Zhou become the butterfly in his dream? Or, was Zhunag Zhou the butterfly in reality, and he, the butterfly, became Zhuang Zhou in his dream?
Is dream a reality? Is reality a dream?
At the end of the pursuit of truth, why not life itself a dream?
Untitled (2015)

Untitled (2015)

Where the butterfly flies (2015) for the video documentation of the performance
