Profil appartenant à Charlo Frade

Regulation of The Internet

Regulation of The Internet:
The Fight for Net Neutrality
Editorial Piece on Net Neutrality and the current issues going on over the control of the internet. The internet providers are trying to take the internet we know and love away from us simply to earn a pretty penny. Should the FCC vote in the providers favor, the internet will become a place exclusive to the elite and major corporations who can afford their website fees, whilst the rest of us become subjected to a regulated internet, halting our internet to turtle speeds if we cant/wont pay. This will result in the crumbling of the internet as we know it and the end to its great freedom and neutrality towards all. 

WE can stop them.
You can email, call, donate whatever, here , if you use the internet and it helps you and you love it then stand up and help stop Comcast and all the other nasty companies trying to control the internet!
This is what this illustration highlights, with only the rich able to reap the benefits of fast communication and helpful resources. 
Thanks Swell People!
Regulation of The Internet
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Regulation of The Internet

Editorial Piece on Net Neutrality and the current issues going on over the control of the internet. The internet providers are trying to take the Lire la suite

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