Sitting Over the Sea
Dikes extending into the sea are walkers most popular areas.
It is common to observe people using the rocks as a seat. Beauty of the views and the sense of distance from the coast, compensates instability and lack of ergonomics.

This viewpoint seat is designed to maximize the effect of the sea, not only providing easier access to  seats designed for the user, but also increasing the sensation of a sublime experience. Its shape of cantilever creates a real sense of levitating above the water. 

It´s sized 1.20 x 1.50 meters, so It may be used  as a meeting area for multiple users. It´s lay out allows any orientation, and  to sit down in all directions. Dispose of two differentiate higher areas, so may be  both: social and personal seats.

Its rough rock finish, prevents slipping and fits with the surroundings, respecting the landscape, which is what makes this experience so special.

Manufactured with “Illa HA-25/B/15” concrete, specific for humid environments. This is arm in two phases with a grid of 6 mm. in diameter. The steel used is B/500/S, which is a steel with tensile strength of 500Kg/mm.
Installation is carried out by crane. The seat is held between the rocks and fitted by It´s counterweight. This vertical counter is hidden among the rocks.Only an overhang can be seen by the user. The seat will merge completely with their surroundings.


This viewpoint seat is designed to maximize the effect of the sea, not only providing easier access to seats designed for the user, but also incr Read More
