Philly Ad Club
Connecting the Advertising Community
As an active member of Philly Ad Club for many years, I had the chance to get very involved in the regional advertising community.

I wrote regularly for AD NEWS magazine, Philly's #1 advertising news source (10,000 circulation, 25,000 readership), in which I curated the bi-monthly "Young Professionals" column.

I also co-founded the Philly Ad Club Young Professionals committee, which allowed me to put a creative spin on the club's unique networking events (e.g. agency dodgeball tournaments). I brought Portfolio Night™ – the world's largest creative review – to the city of Philadelphia, connecting many hungry creatives with job opportunities.

Here are just a few of the things that I had a hand in creating while volunteering for Philly Ad Club.
Philly Ad Club

Philly Ad Club

A sampling of things I've written/created for the largest advertising community in the country.
