Campaign for the AMCV association against domestic violence, directed to the people who is not involved but should report the problem.
The idea: To be different from all other anti domestic violence campaigns, no graphic content was used and the "show" was used literally. The viewers are challenged to stop watching this "puppetry" and report it to the authorities.
This campaign went on various media formats, including taxi cab roof top ads.
This illustration was created by me:
"How long are you going to continue watching this show?
Many Portuguese homes are the stage for domestic violence. An unacceptable show in no way suitable for children and tragically, the final act is very often, death. Domestic violence is the fourth most registered
crime in Portugal. Watching all this in silence is to turn a blind eye to violence, it is being a puppet in the hands of the aggressor. Speak out against domestic violence. Don’t be part of the audience, be part of the solution."


Campaign for the AMCV association against domestic violence, directed to the people who is not involved but should report the problem.
