This was a website redesign of an Irish artist's, Colm MacAthlaoich's, website.
This site uses Wordpress, AJAX and sliders. 
Landing page Slider, only seen when user lands on this page.
Overview of Sections appear like this.
When a user selects a painting the screen scrolls back up to the top and reveals an area for the paintings content to appear.
Once the user has scrolled past the paintings content the overview of paintings are seen below.
This site has a sticky menu to allow the user access to all sections at any time.
Please visit the site for a better feel of the functionality and to look at the wonderful art:
This site was designed by UNTHINK and built by Neasa Ronayne while at UNTHINK.


This is a website redesign for an Irish Artist, Colm MacAthaloich, by UNTHINK.


Creative Fields