The collection that focuses on reforming the botanic beauty into something innovative and logical.
Concept Board.
Grow up my inspiration of hybrid botanic elements and countour artwork, collage art, scientific analytics and sliding game.
Color Borad
Reconstructed Garden.
Make the combination of watercolor drawing, Chinese claborate-style painting, collage art of dry petal. I want to create a feeling of seeking in a fantacy garden, which is filled of  manmade natural creatures.
These creatures still keep the original form but change the materials inside.
Size:36x36 inches
Mapping on the wall.
Dress up.
Make used of bouquets to create the lady dresses. Imagine that they are attending in a runway show, a Friday-night party,  a cocktail lounge or just laying in the beach under sunshine.
Size: 27x27 inches.
Mapping: botique lady dress.
Silding Flower Game.
Handcraft. Fold paper flowers. Create the wrinkle effects.
Every flower fill up a 3*3 square sliding game. The squares can shift, the order is in random.
The shift process is a great representation of reforming. The squares were broken up, but they still had a link with each other. 
Size: 27*27 inches
Mapping: Rain coat. 
Wire Flowers and Magazine Collage.
Hybrid two kinds of flower shapes to create a liner pattern.
Reforming Botany

Reforming Botany

Reforming botany is a collection that try to represent how the evolutionary effects act on the natural botanic beauty.
