Stephanie Faucher profili

The HoWM Experience: An Installation Project

In September of 2014, I came up with an idea to create an integrated sensory experience that would introduce people to full experience of Humans of William & Mary. This idea began to materialize as an installation piece that people could walk through, listen to stories, and see the visual representations of them in front of them. By viewing this page you will see my ongoing artistic process of making that vision a reality.
Don't worry I leave a lot of the boring logisitcal stuff out.
I was introduced to the wonderful architect Kevin Schrack who helped me come up with the idea of doing a camera obscura* for what the installation piece. 
As we met we devloped the idea of what the piece would look like: It would have 2 rooms; one would be a dark room to develop the image projected by the camera which would be located in one of the walls. While there would be a second larger room that would hold the collage of images and be the main space for people to pass through. The roof would be transparent in order to let in natural daylight for premium exposure for the photographs. 
The image above in the initial sketch in my book for the piece, the drawings below are the more developed drawings as done by the artchitect Kevin Schrak. 
*Camera Obscura: a darkened boxlike device in which images of external objects,received through an aperture, with a convex lens, are exhibited intheir natural colors on a surface arranged to receive them: used forsketching, exhibition purposes, etc.
Preliminary Camera Obscura Drawings
Architect: Kevin Schrack 
Since this project is reliant on the submission of audio recordings by the anyone who has interacted with William & Mary in some capacity, it was important to create graphics and images that would utilize social media (our main platform) in order to get people to submit to us. 
Below you will see examples of these. Additonally, a promo video was made to give it more internet traffic.
HoWM Experience Promo Video
VIdeographer: Ben Zhang
HoWM Experience Info Graphic 
Graphic Designer: Stephanie Faucher
HoWM Promo Facebook Coverphoto
Graphic Designer: Stephanie Faucher
HoWM Experience Promo Graphic
Graphic Designer: Stephanie Faucher
Second HoWM Experience Promo Video
Director: Stephanie Faucher
Videographer: Ben Zhang
Construction Time!
All photos and videos courtesy of Ben Zhang.
The Finished Product!
The finished product was up for about a week and was completely graffiti-able. Inside there was an audio loop that was played where people could hear the stories that we recieved. We also set up a pinhole a few times to get some exposures of people inside. 
Me Discussing the HoWM Experience for the William & Mary News
This experience unfolded into something that I could never have imagined. I have learnt so much and am so glad that I was able to do it.
The HoWM Experience: An Installation Project
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The HoWM Experience: An Installation Project

An Installation piece I designed and spearheaded. It was up for a week and was a completely interactive art piece.

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