The homepage opens with an introduction briefly talking about segregation in MKE and the need to find a solution. Theoretically this site would offer a lot of different resources and ideas of how to better unite Milwaukee. But before you start working to solutions, you have to understand the problem. Which is a big part of the site and where the interactive map really comes into play. The map can be accessed from the navigation bar or there is a direct link to it from a button on the bottom of the homepage. 
On the interactive map experience page, a color-coded map of Milwaukee is shown where each race is represented by a certain color and each neighborhood is colored by the majority race living in that area. Based on the tint of the color indicates the percentage of the population that majority takes up in that neighborhood.  The lighter the tint, the more racial diversity; the more saturated, the more prominent the majority race is.
Select the “Show Poverty Levels” button to view a neighborhood bar graph indicating the percentage of residents with an income below the poverty level.
Select any of the neighborhoods to get more specific information on race and poverty in that area.
The height key also functions as a way to limit the bars that you see at once. By clicking the tallest bar, only the tallest bar will show in the map. You can also view multiple heights at once.
Use your cursor to orbit and rotate the map at desired angles.
UniteMKE Website

UniteMKE Website

An infographics project on the segregation of Milwaukee, WI with an interactive map.
