Profil von Mike Dent

CYBERENEGADE VX Production Design

CYBERENEGADE VX (pronounced Vix) was intended to be a web series that I was going to produce after graduation. The series would've be a fusion of Japanese Superhero aesthetics (ie. Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, etc) with American Cyberpunk and acted as proof that you can have a superhero project with a female lead that can appeal to wide audiences. 

Sneak Preview of the heroine in a "Shadow Concept" of the final suit.
Style/Inspiration boards for our heroine, VX, and the main villain of the pilot/1st season, the bat-styled Thanatos.  While VX's board pulled from both the fox, cyberpunk, and heroine motifs for inspiration, Thanatos was a mix of modern monster design from tokusatsu shows with a sleek, leathery look. The intent would have been that the trenchcoat-like flow would part ways to reveal wings in the climax of the first season. 
Series logo design process
Logo design process for the series' main antagonists,
the AO Medica megacorporation.

A mock teaser for VX was produced for my Senior Thesis exhibition.

Social media teaser for the launch of the Trailer
Ultimately, the project fell through due to creative differences and problems behind the scenes and it seems like it'll never see the light of day. It's tragic, but it was also good lesson on the up and downs of production. 
CYBERENEGADE VX Production Design

CYBERENEGADE VX Production Design

Concept and logo designs for my 2014 Senior Thesis project that was intended to become a webseries.
