Project for
Köln International School of Design
Professor: Andreas Muxel
Field: Interaction Design
In this project we want to get closer to the meaning of the two terms analogue and digital, find the quality of analogue devices and interfaces and compare the outcome reflectively with respective digital processes. Following this, we will reanimate these devices, update them with digital techniques or develop an adapter and make them usable in our digital daily life.
Bike pump + light bulb
Exhibition in KISD
How it works
Two magnetic sensors are fixed on the extremity of the pump. They provide a boolean variable, 0 or 1.
The sensors are connected and all the cables are grouped.
Fixed on the intern piston there are some magnets.
The code wirtten for Arduino allows to provide energy at the light bulb only if the magnetic sensors read the passage of the magnets inside the pump. 

If the user keep pumping the brightness will increase, but if he stops the light will decrease.
Video documentation
Pump It Up

Pump It Up

I gave to a common object a different meaning. I transformed a bike pump in a device to turn on the light.
