We were comisioned by our design school to edit and redesign the second number of the Signe Magazine. It took us almost 5 months to collect, interview, design and compose that mag number. We looked forward to give it a fresh restart and a new perspective that the next generation of designers will have to continue in order to bring relevance to a small school in the middle of the mountains.
As part of the project, our objective wasn't just give to the magazine a new style and a modern layout, we also tried to make room for all the specialties that our school offers (Interior Design, Illustration, Product Design,  Graphic Design and Fashion) to get different points of view. 
We interviewed profesional studies from every area and created a section were former and graduated students can show their work in order to have a place to connect them with professionals and companies.
If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like! ;)
Signe Mag