This assignment is to create a cat playarea for a design or advertising firm of our choice.  I selected WheelieCreative in Whitefish, Montana.  I really wanted to select a local firm (for me) and not something in NYC or internationally.  The premise of the project is to create a playarea for a cat which would fit in with the image and style of the firm.
This firm is made up of young, energetic designers.  One thing that captivated me initially when looking for a firm was the sign they were opening late due to fresh powder.  Apparently, they are all avid outdoor types with a love for snowboarding and snowmobiling.  Another thing which attracted me was their logo.  Multicolored, it reminded me of the links of a bicycle chain - another clue to their outdoorsy-ness.  But it also triggered some plays on the logo for the cat area.
I envision the logo being translated into a 3D version.  Some of the pieces could be 'moveable' so it could be tretched out, chance levels, or turn a corner.  The holes in the design could either be used by the cat for resting and hiding or to store cat treats and toys. Laid on it's back, the logo could be turned into a planter with catnip, wheatgrass and bowls for food for the cat.
Because of their affinity for the outdoors, snowboards could be laid across the top of the logo for a cat runway.  Set up on the wall, this would allow for perches for the cats.  Standing 4 boards on end, in a square, it could become a scratching post for the cats and sit on the floor in a corner.  It could also have lighting set into it for the office or a platform with a water or food bowl on top for the cats to eat off of.
The only problem with this design would be the sacrificing of some snowboards to be cut up for the playarea.  Somehow, I think there might be a twinge of discomfort from the staff at WheelieCreataive over this aspect of it.
The cat play area continues.  I am really not getting the use of a perspective grid and exactly how I am suppose to finish up this project.
Cat Play Area

Cat Play Area

A cat playarea for a design firm
